Baked Cowboy Dip - Easy and Highly Addictive Party Dip - Food Wishes

This amazing dip’s name used to include another word that refers to an addictive controlled substance, and while we don’t use that word anymore, it certainly fit. Once you start dipping, you can’t stop. So, don’t stop. It’s a party, Or, at least I hope it’s a party, and not you skipping work, sitting alone in a seedy hotel room, eating an entire bowl all by yourself. Either way, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy! For the fully formatted, printable, written recipe, follow this link: To become a Member of Food Wishes, and read Chef John’s in-depth article about Baked Cowboy Dip, follow this link: You can also find more of Chef John’s content on Allrecipes:
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