Balboa Class Recap: Fundamentals (down hold basic, up hold basic, come arounds, lollies)

Balboa Fundamentals! Up hold basic (1234: step step hold step). Down hold basic (1234 step step step hold). These can be done interchangeably by the lead or the follow. Lead’s footwork begins on left foot (follow’s on right). Scoots: step gather step moving sideways (for example: 1234, downhold basic, 5678 scoots - step gather step hold). Come arounds were next which were introduced as scoots that rotate clockwise (or more challenging, counter clockwise). They feel like a paddle turn. Next was transition to lollies which happens on 5678 (step step kick step). Then Lollies are a 4 count idea that start with 1: tap 2: step 3: kick 4: step and repeat. Lollies can progress rotationally with the follow being the center and lead orbiting. Then an 8 count turn (and return) from lollies 1234: tap step step step 5678: tap step step step which returns to lollies. Then the same turn going into a come around which is a 6 count idea (12: step hold 34: step step 56: step
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