▶Inspired By Pepricoro and Moongurl
Hai v:
Since I had no idea what video to upload after reaching 100k, I decided to give my best friend a gift xD
happy birthday Chay! I Luv U ♡
➜ Credits
-Animation Made By Me
-I based this simple choreography on the minute 1:00 and 1:14
-Models Pepricoro Made by Pepricoro/Hozuki/Moongurl/Me
-Sweet-Chan 2.0 by Momothememeoverlord/Me
-circle accessory by ❀つゆの
-Screens by RuchiiP
-Sound bars by Saboten
-Stage Equalizer Wall By monobuni
-Coke Coca-cola By AMETHYSTwolf1
-Pepsi Drink by Lythoni
▷Tones And I - Dance Monkey
▶Social accounts:
Candy Girl:
If I forget to