Frustratingly, HEMA in the Netherlands has mostly shut down again, but Casper and I managed to do some halberd sparring in the week before. We tried to increase speed and intensity a little bit and for now this feels pretty spot-on for our capabilities. If you like this video, don’t forget to check out Patreon as well:
Fencers: Casper and Oskar
#halberd #landsknecht #sword #langesmesser #messer #knife #HEMA #Historical #European #Martial #Arts #Historical #Fencing #Historical #Fencing #Westernmartialarts #Middleages #medieval #Martial #Arts #Martialartist #Instructor #Athlete #Fitness #Fightingfit #Fighter #warriors #knights #Swordplay #machete #technique #Training #lecküchner, #history #historical #research #swordfighting #sparring #context
1 year ago 00:00:37 23
Synthetic Armour #armoured #fight #hema
2 years ago 00:18:17 68
Landsknecht versus Knight [halberd, pollaxe and pike in armour]
2 years ago 00:14:51 4
Mixed Weapon Lucky Dip Exhibition Melee Group Sparring