50,OOO RESISTANCE FORCES REORGANISED! Panjshir battle just beginning, resistance intensifies.

Panjshir battle just beginning, resistance intensifies. By declaring an interim government consisting of more than two-third UN and other designated-terrorists with rewards on their heads, leaders of drug cartels, Pakistani stooges and proxies, as well as four Guantanamo Bay detainees, who were released in exchange of US soldier Bowe Bergdahl in 2014, the Taliban have come full circle by capturing power in Afghanistan for a second term. But the Taliban have not been able to consolidate their base in their rush to grab power. Around 50,000 fighters under various warlords who opposed the Taliban takeover, are still at large and continue to hold several pockets in Afghanistan. It is evident that the Taliban do not enjoy the confidence of warlords such as Ata Mohammad Noor, Abdul Rasheed Dostum, Abdul Rasul Sayaf, Abdul Malik Pehelwan, Gul Agha Shirazi and Abdul Ghani Alipoor, to name just a few, who have refused to join a Taliban government. The Taliban have also declared premature victory in Panjshir
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