【けいおん !!】 K-ON!! 『Utauyo!! MIRACLE』 [Piano Cover]

Update info: Remastered audio quality, including fixed audio pitch which fell pretty badly before remastered. Audio bit depth increased from 16 to 24 and audio rendering quality is best. YouTube flash player has a little bug, if you find this video a bit off sync, either click the video timeline elsewhere or refresh the page. Song composed by: Tom H@ck Learning Process: As usual, I learned this song by ear, this time using marasy8’s piano cover as a main base. He’s one awesome guy! Video info: -Yamaha Nippon Gakki U2 Serial Number 3421 (Piano) [Made in Japan, 1922-1923] -Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5 (for video recording) -iPod Touch 4G (for audio recording) -Sony Vegas Pro 10.0 (editing software) Other info: I don’t have a tripod, so gotta figure out a way to place the camera at the angle I wanted. Pretty tough solution though. You guys won’t believe what I used to stack up the camera that high and face it downwards! I’m still 15 by
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