You sit in your tiny 8x8 cell, listening to the tannoy announcement. The speaker system informs you that the overlords who keep you here - the treacherous Attrs - are running another ’Maze’ for the enjoyment of the masses, and they have selected this year’s “Rat“. As they read out the i.d. number of the citizen who will be partaking this year and you realise with rising horror that it is you...
The Maze, even its name strikes fear into the sane - nightmarish garish corridors that you must be navigated to find ’The Games’. The Games themselves perversions of the ancient trials - here used to mock and humiliate the Rats as the cruel Attrs look on and ’score’ the Rat’s performance.
Before you are dropped you into The Maze the announcement tells you to make this ’Rat-run’ entertaining for the spectators - there should be no dawdling - and to play your hardest - the audience hates to be bored. You know that it is possible to end with a final score of
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