Revealing God’s Goal. Humans Caring for Humans and Bountiful Earth. WHY?

God’s Goal. Humans Caring for Humans and Earth. WHY? God’s goal is clear. First, He created a lavish Earth to provide all the vital inorganic minerals, organic trees, and food resources. Second, He created humans and gave them two major injunctions: multiply your numbers through families and, therefore, socialization; manage the minerals and living organisms and, therefore, rulership. Humans are preparing to be kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). I want to remind you that Jesus is a King (He teaches rulership) and Priest (after the order of Melchizedek; priests teach socialization, Deuteronomy 17:11. Christ taught to love your neighbor). God’s goal is to prepare us to do what He is doing right now. God gave us the family institution, which cares for humans, and a luscious Earth, which humans are to take care of, to develop His image. 1. God’s Goal of Socialization Throughout childhood and adolescence, children grad
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