240382-High blood fat, try it.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240382-High blood fat, try it. Press on Tianshu point. Inhale, bulge, exhale, shrink. 36 breaths a day. Tianshu point belongs to the stomach meridian, it is also the Front-Mu point of the large intestine, and it is directly connected to the large intestine. The biggest effect of pressing it is to promote gastrointestinal motility, speed up the discharge of food residues and garbage, and make the body cleaner. After long-term practice, the intestines will be clean, which will help the blood become cleaner. If you are obese, you must control your diet, eat more vegetables and less meat, and only eat 70 percent full at each meal. In addition, you should exercise for more than 1 hour every day. If you want to achieve better results, it is recommended that you take courses: 1. 56mins Daily Routine • Full Body Practice 2. 20
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