G7 Gang Up on China, Provoking Fury and Retaliation over Human Rights

China has denounced the recent statement by the G7 countries that expressed concerns over human rights issues in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, calling it a gross interference in its internal affairs. The GXNUMX foreign ministers, who met in London this week, issued a communique on Wednesday that urged China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. The communique also called for peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues and encouraged the authorities in Beijing and Taipei to engage in meaningful dialogue. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Thursday that the G7 statement was based on lies and false information, and violated the principles of international law and basic norms governing international relations. He said that Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan are all China’s
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