GAUSSIN New hydrogen-powered 100% autonomous vehicle with robotic arm for 0 emission Yard Automation

Gaussin presents its new hydrogen-powered 100% autonomous vehicle with robotic arm for Zero-emission Yard Automation Tested by two major logistics and e-commerce players in the United States and Europe mid-2021 GAUSSIN (ALGAU - FR0013495298) presents “Zero-emission Yard Automation“, its new hydrogen-powered autonomous tractor equipped with a robotic arm and intended for major players in logistics and e-commerce. This disruptive technology developed at the request of different customers will be tested by two major logistics and e-commerce players in the United States and Europe mid-2021. A turnkey, zero-emission solution to improve process efficiency, productivity and safety in logistics centers The large logistics centers of the retail or e-commerce industries receive tens of thousands of trucks a year and are subject to very fast processes. To guarantee delivery to a customer within 24 hours or just-in-time in a store, logistics operators must implement reliable processes and technologies with a very
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