Ayarkhaan - Hotugu Tyyn

About Ayarkhaan: Ayarkhaan is a long-established female vocal group from Sakha, a republic within the Russian Federation that the Russians call Yakutia. The group was created in 2002 with the personal initiative of Ms. Albina Degtyareva. From the outset, it should be said that this is one of the strangest, most exotic specimens of music Western ears could expect to behold. Ayarkhaan is a group of specialists in the art of the playing the khomus, a metal instrument that fits in the mouth and functions like a jew’s harp. For years, Ayarkhaan have been leaders in the revival and preservation of the traditional music of Sakha. Thanks to the performances of Ayarkhaan almost forgotten manners of Sakha singing such as “khabarha yryata“, “tangalai yryata“ lately became popular among people. With the different sounds of voice and of khomus Ayarkhaan can at the same time simulate sounds of animals, birds and the nature. Group’s compositions are inspired by a tradition that has been handed
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