This video features Genshin Impact’s new spiral abyss 3.8 floor 12 full 9 stars clear.🎮
In the first half, We have F2P C0 Eula Raiden Hypercarry Team while using the 1-star weapon Waster Greatsword. This team is comprised of Eula physical dps, Bennett support, Raiden hypercarry, and Fischl subdps.
In the second half, We have F2P C0 Alhaitham Spread Team while using the 4-star Blackcliff Longsword. This team is comprised of Alhaitham spread, Nahida Spread, Yai Miko aggravate, and Zhongli support.
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With the release of the latest patch of Genshin Impact version 3.8, we have a brand new spiral abyss 3.8 to tinker around with. I’ll try out some fun and innovative Genshin Impact team comps and share my spiral abyss gameplay with you.
This video serves as a Genshin Impact guide for f2p spiral abyss to clear full 9 stars easily.
You will find many Genshin Impact tips and tricks to group enemies, and to learn positioning in the spiral abyss floor 12 after observing enemy attack patterns and behaviors.
🕓 Time Stamps 🕓:
00:00 - Character selection
00:03 - Floor 12-1-1
01:47 - Floor 12-1-2
03:06 - Floor 12-2-1
04:47 - Floor 12-2-2
05:50 - Floor 12-3-1
07:06 - Floor 12-3-2
Team builds:
-Eula Hypercarry Team Builds:
08:39 - Eula physical dps build
08:59 - Fischl subdps build
09:15 - Raiden hypercarry build
09:33 - character build
-Alhaitham Spread Team Builds:
09:49 - Alhaitham spread build
10:06 - Zhongli support build
10:23 - Nahida spread build
10:39 - Yae Miko aggravate build
10:56 - Outro
🎵 Music Credits 🎵:
-「Eula: Flickering Candlelight」| EPIC VERSION | Genshin Impact
By Atharva Mohite Music:
-Alhaitham Theme Music EXTENDED - Think Before You Act (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
By tnbee:
-Outro Music: Things Are Going Southampton By Verified Picasso.
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