Toyota Vellfire - Spider Webs theme

Toyota Vellfire 全新Spider Webs 主題真皮椅套及內籠 - 車身於頭、尾、側鏡及車頂安裝車格仔意大利真皮 - 軚盤、錶板、門板及headlining等部份, 選用粉紅色Alcantara及黑色意大利汽車專用皮,並於椅套車上蜘蛛網圖案 - 頭枕特別訂製蜘蛛綉花 Reupholstering Toyota Vellfire with Spider Webs design theme - body at the front, back, side mirror and roof partially covered with Italian leather with checkers pattern - Steering wheel, dashboard, door panel and headling in pink Alcantara and black Italian automotive le
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