Serge Bulat - Nekyia (Video)

Enter the haunting world of “ν​έ​κ​υ​ι​α/Nekyia“ an audiovisual experience from Serge Bulat’s album ’Omorphita Cornershop’. Inspired by the ancient journey into the underworld, this track explores the depths of the subconscious and the transformative power of confronting the unknown. Drawing from Cyprus’s rich, complex landscape as source material, “Nekyia“ delves into themes of identity, memory, and the tension between past and present. The visualizer captures this exploration through evocative imagery and soundscapes that blur the lines between reality and dream. “Nekyia“ is a powerful meditation on creativity’s role in navigating uncertainty. It invites you to journey through the shadows, uncovering hidden layers of beauty and meaning along the way. Sound: Serge Bulat. Visuals: Michael Rfdshir. Stream/Download ’Omorphita Cornershop’:
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