#Shorts|HongShan Jade Skull Scepter| 3500 BC Protector| 紅山玉咕嚕頭權杖
#Shorts #jadehongshan
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紅山文化玉咕嚕頭權杖轉運風水擺件: An Exceedingly Rare Feng Shui Jade Scepter:
HongShan Jade Skull Scepter|3500BC Protector| 紅山玉咕嚕頭權杖
One of a kind, HongShan Jade Scepter: The top is carved with a stylized in human skull form. Northeast China, Hongshan culture, Neolithic Period. Hand-carved from a piece of heavy JADE stone, with a fascinating standing human in skeleton form. Scepter was used by the Tribal and/or religious Leader during some of important events.
Dimensions: 141/2“ (37cm) x3“ (7cm), 1440g
HongShan Culture Period -The first civilization of Chinese Culture (3500 - 3000 BC), comprised of a group of Neolithic peoples who lived in the far north-east, in what is modern-day Liaoning province China, created a sophisticated society and erected elaborate ceremonial sites. Excavations of their temples and tombs have revealed carved stone objects in elite tombs. Most of the HongShan collection are Jade and Iron-Meteorite heavy stone, composed of metallic iron-nickel (possessing an extraordinary power to attract magnetically).
Most items showing a special HongShan culture Totem, that is respected by a group of people, especially for religious reasons; they are precious and sacred collection, the symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe.
The Power of Jade:
In Chinese culture, Jade is said to act as a protector against evil that helps you communicate with your higher self while also serving as a conduit between the earthly and the spiritual realms. Jade is believed to calm the mind while helping individuals feel safe and secure, making it ideal for journeys abroad and introspective time alike. Similarly, jade is renowned as a symbol of goodness, preciousness, and beauty. It was typically worn by the upper class as an additional show of status. Jade makes for an ideal gift as it protects the wearer while helping them connect with an ancient culture. Jade’s value is determined in a manner similar to diamonds and is based on both its authenticity and grade.
JADE: The Emperor’s Stone, the symbol of status, spirituality, purity and health.