0:00 Deck Tech
19:24 Match 1 (Vs. Azorius Control)
38:02 Match 2 (Vs. Temur Living End)
1:08:46 Match 3 (Vs. Rakdos Midrange)
1:43:15 Match 4 (Vs. Mono Green Devotion)
2:14:45 Match 5 (Vs. Orzhov Midrange)
2:47:42 Post League Wrap-Up
(This league was recorded the week of September 12, 2021)
(Please note that I changed my shout-outs, now I’m doing them as a separate video each week exclusively on my Magic Matt channel, hopefully with something else MTG related too)
Link to my Patreon: (I’m M. Hayashi there)
For my main channel with Magic the Gathering content, please visit my Magic Matt ch
...annel at
My Magic Matt channel is where you can find all my Prowess/Mono Red Midrange and Merfolk videos (As well as my 1st Mono Black league)!
I’m also uploading extra Magic content here too now, but if I’m playing something other than Magic, I’m hoping to share it here too as well!
Plains X6
Cave of the Frost Dragon x4
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