A CGI 3D Short Film: “Arthur Snakewalker - An Original Project“ - by Pé Grande Animation | TheCGBros
TheCGBros Presents “Arthur Snakewalker - An Original Project“ by Pé Grande Animation - In a magical kingdom threatened by darkness, Arthur, a charismatic warrior, embarks on a quest to find the legendary sword of light. His sense of humor wins over unlikely allies as he faces monsters and defies expectations. With unparalleled skill with the sword and jokes at the tip of his tongue, Arthur discovers the true strength lies in joy and friendship, becoming the kingdom’s hope against the imminent shadow.
The teaser for Arthur Snakewalker is not just an artistic expression of Pé Grande and its partners, but rather the first step towards a broader and more tangible project.
The idea of producing an original piece arose at a time when we felt the need to carve out space in our schedule to celebrate creativity and bring some of our visual, conceptual, and experimental desires to life.
By creating this sample, we are not only sharing a glimpse of our vision for the characte
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