Why did Davy Jones Look SO Realistic?

Learn VFX For FREE Here: Join Our Discord Here: Edited by Brazier Films: @ Support the Channel On Patreon: —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Davy Jones from the Pirates of The Caribbean franchise is often hailed as the most visually impressive CGI character in cinematic history. But what sets him apart? Well, he holds the distinction of being the first character to utilize on-set motion capture, allowing his actor, Bill Nighy, to be physically present and interact with the rest of the cast. This groundb...reaking technology opened the door for subsequent characters to benefit from similar methods. One would expect improvements over time, right? Surprisingly, the quality of CGI characters didn’t consistently advance. In this video, we’ll delve into the reasons behind Davy Jones’s success, explore where other characters fell short, and unravel a more profound aspect that goes beyond just CGI. Join us as we dissect the intricacies of Davy Jones’s VFX, uncovering why he achieved the pinnacle of photorealism and why subsequent characters struggled to match his impact —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Intro 0:57 - Performance 2:21 - What Makes Good CGI? 3:35 - What Gave Jones’ Performance The Edge? 5:44 - The Usage Of CGI 6:37 - The Beard 9:00 - Lighting 12:31 - Finishing Touches —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on any of these for more VFX Videos :) Instagram: Tiktok: @cg_why Facebook: Twitter: —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More VFX analysis here!: —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCES: :// @MarmosetCo @Olav3D/videos #:~:text=The uncanny valley is a,robots that are highly realistic. @AnupamAw/videos @LMitchellAnimation ände-3174/ —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #piratesofthecaribbean #johnnydepp #davyjones #vfx #filmmaking
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