Satanist Co-Founder Meets Jesus in Supernatural Encounter | Bachan tv | Riaan Swiegelaar

Orginal video : Riaan Swiegelaar South African Satanist Co-Founder Meets Jesus in Supernatural Encounter, Turns to Christ After Experiencing God’s Love The co-founder of a Satanic movement in South Africa is telling his personal story about choosing to leave the cult after his heart was overwhelmed with the love of Jesus. Riaan Swiegelaar, a former reverend at the South African Satanic Church (SASC), stepped down from his position in May. He took to Facebook on July 4 to share his testimony. Ex-Satanist Who Hated Christians Spent 33 Years Praising Evil — Until a Book Mysteriously Appeared on His Jail Cell Floor patricia ’I Was Able to See Demons’: Forced into Satanism as a Little Girl, Tormented Woman Finally Finds Peace in Christ Carl Sartor via Facebook From ’Saved by Satan’ to Saved by Jesus: Ex-Satanist’s Story About Finding Christ Goes Viral “I’m doing this live video because many, more than 100 people, on WhatsA
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