Puce Mary - (Puce Mary AUS/NZ Tour, Liquid Architecture)

Puce Mary’s music is harsh, but its aggression is necessary. Her performances are easy to be dragged into but brutally hard to get out of. Puce Mary AU/NZ 21 Aug 2016 The Tote Hotel, Melbourne As Puce Mary, the Danish artist Frederikke Hoffmeier tests the established limits of noise music through sustained experimentation and risk driven by emotive gusto. Her first Australian tour follows the release of the acclaimed LP The Spiral on Copenhagen’s Posh Isolation. The Spiral is a powerful expression from a scene revolving around Posh Isolation and the infamous venue-cum-rehearsal space Mayhem. With precision, Puce Mary binds the listener in webs of sharp synthesizers, hammering percussion, obtuse voices, field recordings, and blistering noise. The record is an exacting instance of noise and industrial music’s continual adaptation. Puce Mary’s music is harsh, but its aggression is necessary. Her performances a
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