“Nothing the Inquisition ever thought of equals the efficiency of the modern “Reducing Expert!“ M/S of a man in a bizarre contraption which forces rollers over his flesh. He stands with his arms in the air and the rollers move up and down. Another contraption is demonstrated. A vibrating belt which is placed around the waist. A muscular man stands by presumably telling the man about how thin this will make him. Various views of the man undergoing these reducing treatments.
“Weapons for the man who is fighting a weary and increasing shadow!“ The large man sits astride a bucking bronco
... type device which he rides like a horse. A sign on the wall reads: “Gymnasium and Lander Department“. Another view of him riding the automatic horse - quite funny. “Please don’t laugh - this is a very sad affair!“ The man bounces up and down on the “horse“ - he laughs. M/S of the man sparring with a dummy. The dummy is presumably attached to the floor as it bounces back when the man punches it.
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