Steffen Königer German AfD Politician roasts libs

Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Steffen Königer arrived at the Brandenburg parliament to speak on a bill introduced by the Green Party which would “campaign for acceptance of gender and sexual diversity, self-determination, and against homo- and trans-phobia” in the city of Brandenburg. It would also “give equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ [lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, questioning] people in Brandenburg.” “Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen...” Königer said at the podium. However, it soon became obvious that his introduction was a little out of the ordinary. “Dear homosexuals, dear lesbians, dear androgynes, dear bi-genders...” he said, continuing with another minute of greetings, including to “ trans-humans.” One minute and 12 seconds after the start of his address, the parliament’s president asked if Königer “would allow an interposed question” – to which he promptly said “no.“
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