Alexander Borisovich Goldenweiser (10 March [O.S. 26 February] 1875 – 26 November 1961) was a Russian and Soviet pianist, teacher and composer.
Goldenweiser was born in Kishinev, Bessarabia, Russia. In 1889, he was admitted to the Moscow Conservatory in the class of Alexander Siloti (also Ziloti). He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1895 in the piano class of Pavel Pabst (previously with ), winning the Gold Medal for Piano, in 1897 – in the composition class of Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov. He also studied composition with Anton Arensky and counterpoint with Sergei Taneyev (1892–1893).
He joined the faculty of the Conservatory shortly afterward, where he worked as the dean, and during his tenure there, his pupils included Grigory Ginzburg, Lazar Berman, Samuil Feinberg, Rosa Tamarkina, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Galina Eguiazarova, Nikolai Kapustin, Alexander Braginsky, Sulamita Aronovsky, Tatiana Nikolayeva, Dmitry Paperno, Nodar Gabunia, Oxana Yablonskaya, Nelly Akopian-Tamarina, Dmitri Bashkirov, Dmitry Blagoy and many others.
Rachmaninoff’s Second Suite, Op. 17, was dedicated to him as well as Medtner’s Lyric Fragments, Op. 23.
He was a close friend of Leo Tolstoy. He published memories of his relationship with Tolstoy in his book Vblizi Tolstogo.
He made a number of renowned recordings as a pianist, including four recordings on piano roll for the Welte-Mignon reproducing piano in 1910. He died in 1962, in Moscow Oblast.
Please take note that the audio AND sheet music ARE NOT mine. Feel free to change the video quality to a minimum of 480p for the best watching experience.
Performer: Jonathan Powell (Toccata Classics, 2008)
Original sheet music: ,(Goldenweiser,_Aleksandr) (Muzgiz, 1961)
Aleksandr Goldenweiser - Sonata-Fantasy for piano Op. 37 (audio + sheet music)
2 years ago 00:41:39 3
Скрябин Поэма Экстаза
4 years ago 00:34:18 26
10 марта - день рождения выдающегося пианиста и педагога Александра Борисовича ГОЛЬДЕНВЕЙЗЕРА (1875 - 1961) - Alexander Goldenweiser plays Mozart Concerto in D minor K 466