पत्तागोभी के कुरकुरे लच्छेदार पकोड़े | Cabbage Pakoda | Patta Go
Cabbage pakoda is an easy and tasty fried snack of cabbage that can be made quickly. Also Cabbage pakoda or fritters is a vegan recipe. This pakoda recipe is loved very much in monsoons and winters with a cup of hot tea or coffee. So enjoy it.
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पत्ता गोभी - 500 g
हरी मिर्च - 2
अदरख लहसुन का पेस्ट - 1 Tsp
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5 months ago 00:05:41 1
감칠맛이 좋은, 마파 배추 짬뽕 만들기 :: 쉽고 맛나요 :: Mapo Cabbage Noodles(Jjambbong)