Cantor Charles Bloch Z"L - Kol Nidre 1954

On Yom Kippur eve, the family prepares for temple. The tasks of getting dressed, checking the pantry and apologizing for the past year’s transgressions is complicated by the fact that Uncle David’s son, Sallie, will not be going with the family, but will attend with his father-in-law. Mollie meddles, finding out that the reason Sallie is not going is that his daughter is ill and that he made up the excuse so that Uncle David would not worry. Sallie arrives at the end of the service and tells Uncle David that the baby will be fine. The service is performed by the Cantor’s Concert Ensemble under... the direction of Vladimir Heifetz. It is Yom Kippur, the holiest and most important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is the Day of Atonement when Jews ask God to forgive them for their sins, and to help them to be better people. Two plots are shown in this story-line. First, Jake’s suit, the one he wants to wear to temple that evening, has been given by the cleaner to someone else by accident. Jake
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