Item title reads - Connemara’s appeal. “There is no famine, but distress does prevail through failure of turf and of potato crops“ Ireland.
M/S of a man and woman walking along with a donkey which has two baskets on either side of it, the woman covers her head up with her coat. M/S of two men looking at the potatoes in the baskets. M/S as sacks are brought out and loaded onto a donkey and cart, people come up to a man behind a crate and he signs something for them. M/S of two men looking at the potato sacks, another one is added. L/S as the camera pans across the donkeys and carts.
L/S as the camera pans across the barren land, various shots of the potato fields. M/S as two ladies stand wrapped in blankets next to a man. C/U of the two ladies, they look like mother and daughter. L/S of men digging at the land and hitting it with hammers, they collect as many potatoes as possible. M/S as two men stand together talking.
FILM ID:374.2