[HQ] Moranbong Band’s Foreign Songs Medley

“WE ARE THE HAPPIEST IN THE WORLD“ compilation with foreign songs medley. 1:20 - 검투사들의 입잠 [Entry of the Gladiators] / [Vjezd gladiátorů] 2:36 - 모짜르트 교향곡 40번 1악장 [Sinfonía n.º 40 (Mozart)] 3:46 - 뛰르끼예 행진곡 [Turkish March] / [Rondo alla Turca] 5:12 - 아득히 먼길 [Дорогой длинною] / [Those Were the Days] 5:48 - 검은 눈동자 [Очи чёрные] / [Dark Eyes] 6:50 - 까뿌리섬 [Isle of Capri] 7:18 - 에스빠냐 만세 [Eviva España] 8:25 - 락엽 [Autumn Leaves] 9:35 - 가극극장의 유령 [The Phantom of The Opera] 11:18 - 레드강골짜기 [My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
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