Kandahar Airport in Afghanistan comes under rocket attack

Kandahar Airport in Afghanistan comes under rocket attack. Colonel Sonny Leggett in a tweet announced, “Kandahar Airfield received ineffective indirect fire this afternoon; no injury to personnel or damage to equipment.“ In an interview with local media today, Police Chief of Kandahar Colonel Sharifullah Sartayib said that two rockets were fired at Kandahar Airport, but there was no damage. He added that four other rockets had been founded and defused in the city of Arghistan, which were also ready to launch at targets at Kandahar Airport. Sonny Leggett also published the warning of General Miller in which he warned the Taliban, “A return to violence would be one senseless & tragic. But make no mistake, we have the military means to respond forcefully to any type of attacks against the coalition and the military means to support the Afg security forces. That would be a mistake to move in that direction.“ The Taliban described the delay in withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan for seve
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