Depressive Age - Lying In Wait [Full Album]. 1993.

Origin: Berlin, Germany Genre: Technical/progressive thrash metal Recorded: 10/1992 Jan Lubitzki - vocals Jochen Klemp - guitar Ingo Grigoleit - guitar Tim Schallenberg - bass Norbert Drescher - drums 1. Lying In Wait 0:00 2. Where 4:18 3. Way Out 7:48 4. Berlin 11:21 5. Psycho Circle Game 15:14 6. The Story (Autumn Times II) 20:48 7. My Wine 26:39 8. From Out Of Future 30:23 9. Hateful Pride 35:04 10. Eternal Twins 39:36 This is non-profit use of copyrighted content, all rights go to their respective owners Depressive Age and Gun Records.
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