Hyehehe (Sound and Animation) 4k

Hyehehe is a Mythical Monster that is first found on Earth Island and can be teleported to Mythical Island once fed to level 15. It was designed by Quinn Kleinhans (QuinnQwerty), who pledged for the Ultimate Creator Experience in My Singing Monsters: The Board Game Kickstarter. It was added on February 15th, 2023 during Version . Hyehehe is best obtained by breeding Thumpies and PomPom. By default, its breeding time is 1 day and 4 hours. Despite being an elusive Mythical Monster, Hyehehe does not have a high coin production. Voice actor: Matthew J. Stewart Instrument: Electric Organ Hyehehe uses its ears to play a sound similar to an electronic organ (similar to Vhamp). Hyehehe also blurts out a mischievous echoing cackle when it briefly stops playing with its ears. 0:00 Earth Island 0:52 Mythical Island ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Singing Monsters is a 2012 video game franc
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