God Himself is with us - WUNDERBARER KÖNIG

God Himself is with us by Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729 translation composite [mostly William Forster & John Miller] meter: . tune: WUNDERBARER KÖNIG from Joachim Neander’s “Bundes-Lieder,“ 1680 “The Hymnal“ [Evangelical & Reformed Church], 1941, No. 29 1 God Himself is with us: Let us now adore Him, And with awe appear before Him. God is in His temple, All within keep silence, And before Him bow with reverence. Him alone, God we own; To our Lord and Saviour Praises sing foreer. 2 God Himself is with us: Whom angelic legions Serve with awe in heavenly regions. “Holy, Holy, Holy,“ Sing the hosts of heaven, Praise to God be ever given. Bow Thine ear To us here: Hear, O Christ, the praises That Thy church now raises. 3 Lord, come dwell within us, While on earth we tarry, Make us Thy blest sanctuary, Grant us now Thy presence, Unto us draw nearer, And
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