This Asari DID WHAT to JOKER’S SISTER??? (Secrets of Mass Effect 3)

In this video we’ll explore the tragic fate of Joker’s sister, Hilary, in Mass Effect 3. CERBERUS TURNS JACK INTO A PHANTOM (Secrets of Mass Effect 3) Mass Effect 2 - WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GIVE LEGION TO CERBERUS? Joker’s father and his sister, Hilary, live in the human colony of Tiptree. After Priority: Thessia, Joker lets Shepard know that the colony was invaded by Reapers several weeks earlier. He hasn’t heard any news from his family since the attack started. Liara will later update Joker about the evacuation of Tiptree - some ships carrying refugees, mostly children, recently landed on Salarian colonies. She wasn’t able to provide names but this information gave Joker hope that his sister might be alive out there somewhere. We can learn more about the fate of Joker’s sister from a conversation between two Asari in Huerta Memorial Hospital. An Asari huntress
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