Inondation Lyon 3 juin 2023 ! Hundreds people evacuated! Historical flash floods hit France
Inondation Lyon ! Hundreds people evacuated! Historical flash floods hit France! Flooding in Lyon
inondation lyon aujourd hui, Inondation Lyon, Inondation, Lyon, inondation lyon 3 juin 2023, France flood, lyon innondation
Critical situation in france, today Storms raging in france flooded Lyon! News of natural disasters and climate change on our channel, enjoy watching!
This flood will weaken France, a storm with hail and flooded streets in Lyon.
Heavy rain and storm are raging in france, adversely affecting the bad weather in Lyon.
On afternoon, a severe storm hit the city, causing hail and flooding.
A lot of inconvenience is caused by heavy rain, causing floods, and the streets turned into rivers..
Lyon provincial command fire brigades carried out about thirty operations due to flooding and inconvenience caused by bad weather.
Many calls to the fire department due to water flooding garages and basements.
France’s civil defense urged citizens not to leave their homes. Several roads in the city are closed.
This disaster occurred after the earthquake, hurricane, drought and cyclone a few months ago
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