Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival – Sculptures of Frozen Blue
Hokkaido’s Lake Shikotsu has always been famous for its blue waters, so pure they’ve topped Japan’s water quality rankings for 11 years running. About 40 years ago, tourists flocked here in summer, but were deterred by the region’s icy winters. To attract winter visitors, the locals pooled their ideas and created this festival. These sculptures of ice that show off the unique blue of the lake water take a dedicated team of 13 two months to build, working round the clock. This year there are five towering sculptures, a splendid sight in the sun and even more spectacular when illuminated at night.
3 years ago 00:15:31 5
Праздник льда у о.Сикоцу [Хоккайдо Япония] // Ice Festival at lake Shikotsu [Hokkaido Japan]
4 years ago 00:03:53 3
【北海道】支笏湖と洞爺湖 / Shikotsu and Toya lakes in Hokkaido, Japan / Озера Сикотсу и Тойя на Хоккайдо, Япония
4 years ago 00:04:37 3
Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival – Sculptures of Frozen Blue
6 years ago 00:01:56 1
Scuba diving Lake Shikotsu 2 Hokkaido Japan divesite Club Kids Sapporo Padi Dive Shop