Daily challenge #91 / Acrylic / Here As In Heaven

#wowart #acrylic #whitehorsepainting #horsepainting ►list of colors : ★ 1 Underpaint Base of sky: 0:02 Apply a mix or white violet / 0:11 a mix of white ultramarine and cerulean blue . Blend upwards using large flat brush ............................................................ ★ 2. Add clouds: 1:05 for this step you will need a no.6 filbert brush and three different mixtures of paint : ultramarine blue, white, a bit of orange 1:32 Highlight clouds: In this step , you will highlight to create more dramatic cloud forms . Mix white with a touch of orange. this colors should still be warm and bright enough to create a good contrast .............................................................. ★ 3. Underpaint Mountain : first , use your no.6 bristle brush to mix several colors. add a touches of ultramarine white a bit of orange . Just be sure the canvas is completely covered 3:25 Darken the mountain with a mix of ultramarine
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