TEDxAtlanta Closing | Moon Hooch | TEDxAtlanta

The threesome book-ended the day, closing with sounds that made it easy to understand why spontaneous raves erupted when they performed in New York City subway stations. Moon Hooch is recreating the sounds and energy of dance club music with two horns and a drum set. Moon Hooch captured the imaginations of thousands with its infamous stints busking on subway platforms and elsewhere in New York City: two sax players and a drummer whipping up furious, impromptu raves. It happened with such regularity at the Bedford Ave station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, that the band was banned from playing there by the NYPD. The trio’s subsequent tours with They Might Be Giants, Lotus, and Galactic as well as on their own have only broadened the band’s appeal. Wherever Moon Hooch plays, a dance party soon follows. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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