Shambala Energy Codes for Emotional Healing Love Joy and Peace Review - Complete Session 2022

Shambala Energy Codes for Emotional Healing Love Joy and Peace - Complete Session ======================================== ✅ Website Officiale: Shambhala is a higher spiritual dimension, a space of infinite light and infinite love. Among them live great teachers, that is, human beings who fulfill the duties and lessons of earthly life. From this higher dimension, with the greatest love and compassion, they guide humanity on the path of healing, spiritual enhancement and enlightenment. The following code comes from the book “The Golden Code of Shambhala“ and is the key to energy healing, purification and empowerment. -Video description: This video includes a complete course in emotional therapy. You can relax and listen without having to repeat the code. Finally, you can often use some guidelines to maintain emotional health, cleanliness, and balance, and to strengthen feelings of love, peace, and joy. You can play the vi
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