TOLERANTIA - a short animated film by Ivan Ramadan
The first 3D animated film produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008). Nominated for the Best European Short film by the European Film Academy 2008. Awarded with 8 more awards including the “Heart of Sarajevo“ for the best short film on Sarajevo Film Festival 2008.
Directing, animation, sound - Ivan Ramadan
Music - traditional (Mostar Sevdah Reunion)
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5 months ago 00:06:21 1
TOLERANTIA - a short animated film by Ivan Ramadan
11 months ago 00:09:37 1
О толерантности и терпилах.
2 years ago 00:15:45 2
🏳️🌈 Разбираем ТОЛЕРАНТНОСТЬ: “Дивный новый мир“ - ЛГБТ, бодипозитив, радфем, чайлдфри, BLM, lgbt