Mesoplodon mirus – True’s beaked whale first underwater video

For the first time, researchers captured images of Mesoplodon mirus, the True´s beaked whale, underwater, off the Azores Islands. Credit: True’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus) in Macaronesia Aguilar de Soto N, Martín V, Silva M, Edler R, Reyes C, Carrillo M, Schiavi A, Morales T, García-Ovide B, Sanchez-Mora A, Garcia-Tavero N, Steiner L, Scheer M, Gockel R, Walker D, Villa E, Szlama P, Eriksson IK, Tejedor M, Perez-Gil M, Quaresma J, Bachara W, Carroll E. PeerJ doi:
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