HHY & The Macumbas_Porno Perpetuum_

I Infringe the Copyright. Send message to: lorenzosimeoni64@ I will remove video. Thank you. aaanD Live long & Prosper. - Produced and mixed by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha at Skull-Cave Studio, Porto. Recording: José Arantes & Nuno Aragão at Teatro Municipal do Porto-Campo Alegre, Porto. Additional mixing: José Arantes & João Brandão / Arda. MASTERING & Vinyl cutting: Frédéric Alstadt at Ångstrom Mastering, Brussels. Electronics, Dub: Jonathan Uliel Saldanha / HHY. Percussion: Brendan Hemsworth, Filipe Silva, Frankão, João Pais Filipe. HORN: André Rocha. Additional electronics: Francisco Antão. Art Direction: Jonathan Uliel Saldanha. Photo: Renato Cruz Santos. Design: Dayana Lucas. Thanks to Catarina Miranda.
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