TSL Resolution III - Championship Match - Jimmy Sourile (Challenger) vs Alain Bloch (Champion)

The Saber Legion is a International Saber Combat Championship, 7th and final match from the champion series event Resolution III at the VFW uptown in Minneapolis Minnesota. Commentary from Thor Borger (Basement Boy Banter) and Terry Birnbaum (TSL founder). Big Thanks to our sponsors for the event Zebra Mats and Ripper Blades The Saber Legion online Youtube: …/UCVzVJhEELb1Bju8xvaOVntg/featured Instagram: Facebook: @TSLcombatLLC Basement Boy Banter online Youtube-…/UCVzVJhEELb1Bju8xvaOVntg/featured Facebook Twitter Check out Basement Boy Banter (@BaseBoyBanter): Instagram- #combatsport #saberduel
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