“Tin of the Moon“ - The song reflects sorrow and inspiration,intertwined with spring motifs and hope
The song reflects deep sorrow and inspiration, intertwined with springtime motifs and hope, conveyed through images of poetry and melancholic musings.
Verse 1
Cast from the Moon’s soft silver light,
Your sorrow blooms in spring’s own garden,
Dreams woven in yellow strands of night
Beneath the lamp... Inspired, hardened,
Your eyes gaze forth to winds unknown,
The vernal winds, their songs beguiling,
A white veil shields the rising dawn,
With hopes it carries, ever smiling.
Forever pure, those eyes so bright,
Like tears that gleam in gentle streaming,
My pages wait in silent white,
My pen above them, frozen, dreaming...
The light seeps slowly through your gaze,
As thoughts descend, like rain they’re falling,
Defying rules, and time’s own maze,
They hide the songs that keep on calling...
Verse 2
Your sorrow blooms in spring’s own garden,
Dreams woven in yellow strands of night,
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2 months ago 00:02:52 1
Yibo’s dangerous car flip made fans’ hearts skip a beat but he was still as cheerful as Sun Wukong