FINALLY this video is done!! It took about 2 months to do a long time D: The BRS TV series seemed like a really good fit for this ’s a LOT creepier than the BRS LOT. o.o Anyway, this was soooo much work, but I’m pretty happy with the result! It could be better but for me it’s pretty ok. Hope you guys enjoy it too :33 I’ll try my best to keep improving! -fighting pose- Thankyou so so so much to my AWESOME beta testers on this -gives you all cake- ~ Zane (Aunthan), Jaydon (AeroBlazeAMV), Jazzy (JazzsVids), K-Chan (BEAUTYxPAIN101), Hakim (MagicDarkIight), and lastly Drew (xDreww) who not only critiqued me multiple times but also really helped me get the result I wanted. Thank you so much!! ALL VIDEO INFO IS AT THE END!! I WILL NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SONG, ANIME, ETC. -for copyright reasons-
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