Как создать прототип сайта для клуба единоборств с помощью Midjourney и ChatGPT
Привет, друзья! Меня зовут Матвей, я специалист по нейросетям и тестировщик в рекламном агентстве PIRANIA.
В этом видео я покажу, как с помощью Midjourney () и ChatGPT () создать прототип главной страницы сайта для клуба единоборств. Этот макет станет отличным источником вдохновения и поможет вам найти свежие идеи для вашего бизнеса.
Примеры промтов оставлю ниже:
1) Develop the homepage for a martial arts club aimed at individuals aged 30-50 who prioritize health, wellness, and self-discipline. The design should be elegant and inviting, using a palette of earth tones such as warm browns and muted greens to evoke a sense of stability, connection, and natural strength. The homepage should feature a clean, minimalist design with large, clear images of serene training environments and a welcoming message from the head instructor. Key sections should include class descriptions, success stories, and a simple, prominent form to sign up for a consultation.
2) Create a homepage for a martial arts club targeting young professionals aged 20-35 who seek a blend of fitness and stress relief through martial arts training. The design should be dynamic and engaging, utilizing a combination of vibrant greens and calming whites to represent growth, balance, and mental clarity. Include visually striking images of participants in action, alongside testimonials from satisfied members. The layout should be easy to navigate, with sections for class schedules, membership benefits, and an introductory video that explains the club’s philosophy and training methods.
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2 weeks ago 00:28:31 2
Пираты Чёрного Моря // Александр Батов. Что делать