
Started Here!\ 0:00 Hello and Welcome! 1:06 Why Use Redis 5:22 Initial Setup 8:14 A Touch More Setup for Adding and Querying Data\ 13:05 Basic Commands 17:15 Documentation on Commands 23:07 Variations of SET 28:31 Use Case of Expiration Options 35:27 Setting Multiple Keys 40:25 GET and MGET 41:15 String Ranges 44:51 Are These Commands Even Useful 54:30 Dealing with Numbers 59:42 Again... Why do These Commands Exist 1:08:39 Using a Completed Notebook 1:10:55 A Few Exercises 1:11:46 Exercise Solutions App Setup\ 1:15:07 Don’t Skip This Video 1:22:47 Redis Client Libraries 1:32:33 First Implementation Task 1:36:04 Redis Design Methodology 1:45:15 Key Naming Methodology 1:51:24 Adding Page Caching 1:58:12 Better Key Generation Data Structures\ 2:03:14 Hashes in Redis 2:05:15 Storing and Retrieving Hashes 2:09:59 Creating, Updating, and Retrieving Hashes 2:14:23 Deleting Hash Data 2:17:07 Numbers in Hashes Has Gotcha’s!\ 2:21:52 Slightly Unpredictable HSET and HGETALL 2:26:01 Issues with HSET 2:32:43 Issues with HGETALL Design Patterns\ 2:38:59 App Overview 2:48:05 Reducing the Design to Queries 2:55:25 What Data Type for Each Resource 3:01:33 Create User Implementation 3:11:47 Serialization and Deserialization 3:22:31 Adding Serialize 3:23:48 Fetching a User 3:27:43 Implementing Sessions 3:34:39 Fetching a Saved Session 3:42:02 Creating Sessions 3:45:25 Serializing Date Times 3:49:52 Storing Items 3:57:08 Fetching a Single Item Commands\ 4:05:08 Batching Commands with Pipelines 4:08:53 Running Multiple Commands at the Same Time 4:15:09 Executing a Pipeline Uniqueness with Sets\ 4:19:37 Basics of Sets 4:23:58 Union of Sets 4:27:24 Intersection of Sets 4:28:41 Difference of Sets 4:30:16 Store Variations 4:32:29 Checking for an Element in a Set 4:34:56 Scanning a Set 4:40:24 Most Common Use Cases of Sets 9.A Little Set Implementation\ 4:46:24 Requiring Unique User Names 4:52:53 Adding a Like System 4:58:19 How to Count the Number of Likes 5:03:51 Updating Like Quantities 5:09:02 Showing Liked Items 5:12:31 Showing Common Liked Items Data with Sorted Sets\ 5:14:45 Sorted Sets 5:17:42 Adding and Removing Members 5:21:32 Finding a Range of Scores 5:26:55 Removing the Highest and Lowest Members 5:28:47 Updating Scores 5:31:03 Querying a Sorted Set Time with Sorted Sets!\ 5:40:02 Sorted Set Use Cases 5:49:31 Reminder on the Auth Flow 5:54:39 Storing Usernames 5:58:51 Kind of Storing Strings in Sorted Sets 6:01:31 Converting User IDs 6:07:36 Plan for Showing Most Viewed Items 6:12:37 Initializing Views on Item Creation 6:17:21 Incrementing View Counters 6:21:42 Items by Ending Soonest 6:28:41 Querying for Ending Soonest Relational Data to Redis\ 6:39:43 Loading Relational Data 6:46:27 Relational Data with SORT 6:51:41 The Sort Command 6:57:23 Terminology Around Sort 7:05:22 Specifying the BY Argument 7:11:18 Joining Data with Sort 7:20:18 A Few More Arguments 7:28:57 Parsing SORT Output Structures\ 7:37:11 HyperLogsLogs 7:41:54 When to use HyperLogsLogs 7:48:38 HyperLogsLogs in Action Collections with Lists\ 7:53:10 Lists 7:56:09 Reading and Writing Data to a List 7:59:55 Ranges and Searches 8:05:47 Trimming Lists 8:10:34 Removing Elements 8:15:28 List Use Cases 8:25:41 Using Lists in Our App 8:29:43 Serializing and Deserializing Bids 8:36:10 Retrieving Bid Histories Practice with the E-Commerce App\ 8:49:28 More on Bids 8:53:30 Validating Bids 8:58:13 Updating Items with Bids 9:01:40 Issues with Bids 9:06:03 Understanding Concurrency Issues 9:16:16 Applying Atomic Updates 9:23:58 Transactions 9:28:51 Watching a Key with Transactions 9:31:59 Isolated Connections for Transactions 9:35:54 Solving Multiple Bids with a Transaction 9:41:58 Items by Price 9:51:22 More on Items by Price Redis with Scripting\ 9:54:07 Lua Scripting 9:57:24 Basics of Lua 10:03:49 Handling Arrays 10:06:38 Handling Tables 10:10:51 Loading and Executing Scripts 10:15:21 Providing Arguments 10:21:43 Providing Key lists 10:28:18 When to Use Scripts 10:32:47 Custom Scripts with Node-Redis 10:37:19 Lua Script Integration 10:49:20 Creating a View-Incrementing Script 11:09:18 Code Cleanup and Solving Concurrency Issues\ 11:09:37 Concurrency Revisited 11:17:19 Issues with WATCH 11:22:02 Overview of a Lock 11:28:04 Understanding the Goal 11:32:26 Implementing WithLock 11:42:57 Using WithLock 11:45:42 It Works! 11:48:36 Automatically Expiring Locks 11:56:42 Another Lock Issue
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