EXPERIENCE Spiritual Powers When You Go Into Deep Sleep 🌙 DMT Music

Go into Deep Sleep with this DMT Music and Experience Spiritual Powers such as Telepathy, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and so much more, this delta brainwave music at 4 Hz activates your Delta State of Mind with DMT Release and connects you with your most powerful self. #SpiritualPowers #DeepSleep #DMTMusic 💫 About DMT Humans have extraordinary abilities that range from the physical to the mental and spiritual. The pineal gland within the human brain is responsible for producing and releasing a natural powerful psychedelic molecule known as DMT, Dimethyltryptamine. DMT has been linked to birth, death, and reincarnation, as well as a multitude of other fascinating experiences. When you activate the pineal gland and control the release of this molecule into the human body, you can use it for command: Dreams, visions, fractals, and many odd phenomena can be traced to the pineal gland, but there are also benefits in learning these techniques. From increased energy to happiness a
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