OVERPASS: Early CT mid nades (smoke-molotov-HE combos) | CS afap

How to get early map control towards mid on CT-side Overpass while dealing early damage or force smoke usage from Ts. - Jumpthrow - Bind alias “ jumpthrow“ “ jump;-attack“ alias “-jumpthrow“ “-jump“ bind “space“ “ jumpthrow“ - Timestamps 🕰 0:00 - Preview 0:13 - Fast deep mid smoke 0:20 - Deep fountain smoke 0:32 - Mid smoke-molotov combo (128tick) 0:53 - Mid playground molotov (128tick) 1:09 - Mid playground HE nades 1:25 - Mid smoke-molotov combo (64tick) 1:46 - Mid playground molotov (64tick) x:xx - Playground HE nade (64tick) - Music ♫ Jeremy Blake | Sunspots - My steamprofile: - My config: ----------------------------------------------------
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