SA_DOX 2.0 : New Post-Processing

Hello everyone, After a long time, finally SDX got big improve and just final step needed. For now almost every effect are work with Post-Processing technique - Motion blur effect - Bloom Effect (Physical Based Bloom) - Volumetric Cloud (Improved Optimized) - Realtime Shadow (Optimized) - Fixed Screen Space Reflection Optimized - Advanced Lighting (Point Light, Directional Light, etc...) - New Rain / After Rain Effect - New Water (reflection, refraction, lighting now are with Post-Processing) - New Function - Etc.. Currently i worked for 32 bit application version first (, and ) after that maybe i would work for 64 bit apk version if possible. for and apk version would available in Cleo / Plugin version, and for 32/64 bit version only working with Plugin version. And will available for developer version too. Thanks for your attention..., see you again.
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