Sun Lutang [Whirling Circles #025]

Welcome to the Whirling Circles Internal Martial Arts Podcast brought to you by the Wu Tang Physical Culture Association. Each week our host Shawn Garcia, Frank Allen and Jon Molenar (not Joe lol) focus on all things martial arts but also specifically Internal Martial Arts. This week Frank, Jon and Shawn discuss the life and contributions of Sun Lutang. - In this episode, you’ll discover - Who is Sun Lutang - Why do many consider him to be one of the most influential Internal Martial Artist - Sage, Scholar and Magician? - Lessons for the modern day student of the Internal Martial Arts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Reading on Internal Arts: Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang Classical Northern Wu Style Tai Ji Quan __________________________________________________ The Whirling Circles Podcast Webpage: http://whirlingcirclespo
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